Monday, November 7, 2011

Container Gardening

We all need to eat every day, not just eat but eat healthy foods. Organic vegetables are expensive than of the commercial one. Not all people can afford to buy an Organic Vegetables or food so they prefer those in commercial which has lesser price but more on chemical fertilizers.

Why we should buy if we can plant? You don't have an area to have a garden? You don't have an earth you you can use in planting? That's not a problem, there are so many ways you can plant food in urban areas. First you must have a composting bin which, you will get your earth for your gardening. Next some plastic containers which has holes in the bottom for drainage, And some area in your backyard or in a patio where you can place the containers.

There are many types of containers you can use and ideas of planting you can read more here

The Plants Basic Needs

Most vegetables need at least six hours of full sunlight every day to grow properly. Cool season plants like lettuce, celery and broccoli can get by on a bit less. Setting containers on caddies allows them to be easily moved towards the sun.
Most vegetables require a pot that is at least 45 centimetres deep and 60 centimetres wide. If you don’t have space for large containers, you can still grow shallow root plants, such as lettuce, radishes and peppers, in smaller containers or window boxes. Remember to consider total weight when choosing a container. A pot filled with wet soil can be heavy.
Using a soilless potting soil with time-released fertilizer is the easiest way to ensure that your vegetables get the water and nutrients they need. Soilless potting mixes contain a mix of ingredients like compost, perlite, vermiculite and sphagnum peat that help soil absorb and retain water and nutrients. A soilless mix also helps protect vegetables from bacteria and insects.
Choosing a soil mix with time-released fertilizer helps vegetables to get a head start, but you’ll want to supplement it with application of fish emulsion every few weeks.
Drip irrigation systems set on automatic timers can make container gardening a breeze, and ensure that plants get all the water they need. If you’re going to hand water vegetables, you need to make sure that the soil never completely dries out. Check the soil each morning by sticking your finger into the dirt. If the soil is dry past your first knuckle, it’s time to water.

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